The municipality of Rosoman is a relatively young municipality that has existed as a separate municipality since 1996.
Previously, the territory of the Municipality of Rosoman was located within the Municipality of Kavadarci. In the short period
of its existence, the Municipality of Rosoman is relatively successfully positioned among the organized and dynamic
municipalities in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.
The municipality of Rosoman is one of the smaller rural municipalities located in the central part of the Povardarie region,
and also in the central part of the Tikvesh Valley. The municipality has a northeast-southwest direction in the lower course of
the Black River and borders the municipalities of Kavadarci to the south and west, Negotino to the south, Gradsko to the
east and Caska to the north.
Characteristic for all rural settlements in the Municipality of Rosoman is the agricultural-livestock function that they have
retained from the past until today. Due to the migration from the villages to the cities, some of the settlements have seen a
decrease in population, only two are about to be completely displaced, while several of them have retained and increased
their population, such as the villages of Manastirec and Rosoman. The main indicator of such positive trends are the
changes that occur in the process of agricultural management, the relatively favorable location and fertile soil.
From a tourist aspect, the settlements in the Municipality of Rosoman can offer conditions for development of several
alternative forms, which are part of rural tourism, depending on their tourist-geographical position. If we take into account
the fact that agricultural production dominates in all rural settlements, the potential for development of agro tourism is
inevitable, with a focus on wine tourism, as a leading tourist form in the Tikvesh region.
The municipality of Rosoman is part of the nine municipalities that form the Vardar planning region. From the total territory,
ie 13,290 hectares, the Municipality of Rosoman covers an area of 3,406 hectares of agricultural land. The agricultural
arable land in the municipality of Rosoman has an area of 3,276 hectares. The most common agricultural crops in the
municipality of Rosoman are Orchards with 364 hectares, Viticulture with 944 hectares and Plows and gardens with 1,968
The municipality is managing the following activities:
1. Urban (urban and rural) planning;
2. Protection of the environment and nature – measures for protection and prevention of pollution of water, air, land,
protection of nature, protection from noise and non-ionizing radiation;
3. Local economic development – local economic development planning; determining development and structural priorities;
conducting local economic policy; supporting the development of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship at the
local level and in that context, participating in the establishment and development of the local network of institutions and
agencies and promoting partnerships;
4. Communal activities – management of water supply;
5. Culture – institutional and financial support of cultural institutions and projects;
6. Sports and recreation – the development of mass sports and recreational activities;
7. Social protection and child protection – kindergartens and nursing homes (ownership, financing, investments and
8. Education – establishment, financing and administration of primary and secondary schools, in cooperation with the central
9. Health care – management of the network of public health organizations and facilities;
And other activities.
The municipality is governed and managed by the Mayor. The municipality has also a council that is composed from 11
people. The administration of the municipality is managed by 13 people.


Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association is the private research extension of Eurasia Innovative Society
Association (E10264947 (NGO). which was established in 2022. Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association
is a research and innovation linked SME that works in ‘’Digital, green and SMART’’ development of the society, in particular
supporting the ‘Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and Continuous Professional Activities (CPAs) of teachers,
youngsters, youth associations, youth workers, VET schools, local schools starting from pre-primary to end of secondary.
Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association is acknowledged both nationally and internationally for its
professional dedication and leadership in placing a major emphasis on strengthening Digital and Green, environmental
awareness through Immersive environments, VR, AR, XR, VF and AI as an integral part of its Continuous Professional
Development offerings to whole-school, VET, SME and NGO communities. Eurasia Institute Research and Development
Association is responsible for the management of the following major support services:
a) The Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST):
b) The National Induction Programme for Teachers (NIPT).
The PDST incorporates the PDST Technology in Education Programme (PDST TiE/Digital & Green), which is
responsible for the roll out of the DES/MOE’s Digital and Green Strategy ( as outlined in the EU, Digital Education Action
Plan 2021- 2027), and the DES/MOE’s Digital Learning Framework, which also incorporates all aspects of the Artificial
Intelligence of Things (AIoT) of Sustainability and Green Agendas, to all schools nationwide. Eurasia Institute Research and
Development Association is also to the fore in promoting XR, Vertical Farming, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and
Metaverse initiatives, and digital excellence in schools, VET, NGOs and SMEs through its management of the Digital
Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association is also to the fore in promoting XR, Vertical Farming, Artificial
Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Metaverse initiatives, and digital excellence in schools, VET, NGOs and SMEs through
its management of the Digital Programmes.
Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association aims to:
– promote the use of Digital, Emerging technologies,
– promote Green, Sustainability and Creative Clusters of Excellence,
– support innovative enterprises in biodiversity, sustainability (Digital and Green) programmes in SMEs, schools VET
education, with designing for meaningful and sustainable 21 Century level working, teaching, learning and continuous
professional development programmes,
– prevent climate change through the use of: STE(AM, 3D Printing, Work-Based Learning, Vertical Farming, Artificial
Intelligence, Augmented reality, Mix Reality, Natural-based solutions, recycling and Emergency technologies,
Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association is innovatively addressing the curricular areas of Climate Change,
Nature Based Solutions Education (NBS), STEAM at all levels of professional, curricular and whole-school, VET, NGOs and
civic engagement through XR and AIoT CPD initiatives.
There is a dedicated team of twenty-one people representing Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association in
projects. Eurasia Institute Research and Development Association has the full infrastructural and logistical capacity to
welcome and deal with medium to large groups at any one time in the Centre. Eurasia Institute Research and Development
Association has the required and relevant equipment to enable meaningful engagement with all aspects of AI Literacy
STEAM, 3D printing, VF, VR, XT IoT, NFTs, AR and gamification requirements of projects. The association is positioned as
an organization that promotes partnerships with other institutions in the field of innovation in the educational field.


OMNIA ‖ sustainable innovations hub, works with an established global network of partners to build the sustainable world of the present and the future. From its offices in Cyprus, OMNIA’s multidisciplinary team provides and develops sustainable solutions and strategies through a range of services including consulting, research and cross-sector collaborations.

Our team specializes in the fields of Big Data Analytics, Spatial Temporal Analysis / GIS, Environmental Engineering, Transport, and Social Innovation.

OMNIA utilizes its expertise to turn innovative ideas into qualitative project proposals for National and International caslls like Horizon2020, Interreg, Erasmus+, LIFE+ among others. Through our extensive network of synergies, OMNIA collaborates with the partners suitable for each specific project to ensure top quality end-results.

Mission | To develop as a recognised organisation in the field of strategic sustainable development by utilizing our the international network and developing collaborations regarding Educational, Research Private schemes of the European Union and abroad. Vision | Provide smart strategic solutions and enhancing partnerships for a more inclusive and sustainable future


– Conduct high-level research in various fields and provide custom made solutions

– Encourage entrepreneurship, leadership, and societal change through innovation

– Enhance sustainable development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

– Create education and training programs for a variety of partners and situations

– Develop smart innovative approaches in the sectors of tourism, agriculture and circular economy

Zdruzenie na sredni ucilista Tera Fiton Animal

TERA-FITON-ANIMAL (TFA) is a NGO established in 2003 with the purpose to protect the interests of vocational secondary schools that provide education in the field of agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine.
TFA gathers and represents all the eleven farming schools in Macedonia:
1. Brakja Miladinovci -Skopje
2. Kiro Burnaz -Kumanovo
3. Kocho Racin -SvetiNikole
4. Mosha Pijade -Tetovo
5. Dimitar Vlahov-Strumica
6. Gjorche Petrov -Kavadarci
7. Kuzman Shapkarev -Bitola
8. Orde Chopela -Prilep
9. Goce Delchev -Valandovo
10. Car Samuil –Resen
All schools provide education in agriculture and veterinary medicine, except for the school “Gjorche Petrov” – Kavadarci, which provides education in forestry in addition to agricultural and veterinary education.
TFA is a free form of association of principals and vocational teachers from the Macedonian farming schools whose overall objective is:
• to improve the lesson plans, curricula and syllabuses in agricultural education
• to resolve the problems students face in their vocational education
• to facilitate the communication on all issues relevant to vocational education, with national and local authorities
• to help individual schools identify their needs, seek funds and launch partnership cooperation with the purpose of improvement of education they provide
TFA has established cooperation with all relevant stakeholders in Macedonia who are involved in the processes of development or implementation of the vocational education:
• Vocational Education & Training Centre
• Ministry of Education & Science
• Faculties for Agricultural & Food Sciences, and for Veterinary Medicine
• Agricultural Institutes in Skopje and Strumica, etc.
Vision and Mission:
– Farming should be a privilege for the individual. Only those who have received good theoretical and practical education in modern agricultural schools have the privilege of being good farmers
– Restoring the reputation and dignity of agrо-veterinary schools by offering innovative content and quality education

Integrating social dimensions into agri-climate change adaptation
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